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Lesson 106: Mormon 1 - 5 – Wickedness in War - Teachings of the Book of Mormon - Hugh Nibley (2024 ARC)
Our Bodies: Essential for Eternal Progression and Joy - Bonnie H. Cordon (2023 Women's Conference)
What do you do with a gift—especially a gift you will have and use every day of your life? “The gift of a physical body is priceless. Without it, we cannot attain a fulness of joy” (President Russell M. Nelson). Heavenly Father is a giver of the best gifts. What does He want us to know about this gift that houses our spirits? “The experiences you’re having with your body can help you prepare to receive one day a perfect, resurrected, glorified body” (For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices). Our potential is unlimited. Our inheritance is sacred. As we learn to see and use our bodies as God would have us do, we will find a divine sense of peace and greater confidence to do all that is required of us.